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Municipal Waste

Ambassadors of thrash crossover, MUNICIPAL WASTE bring their contagious and explosive energy to EVILLIVE FESTIVAL

From the choice of a name that makes them sound like some kind of urban public works department to the music itself, the Americans MUNICIPAL WASTE, who hail from Richmond, Virginia, openly bow to the memory of thrash metal and crossover from the 1980s - decades after, and a few hundred kilometers away from, the heyday of the original movement in New York. Emerging in 2001 with an eponymous EP, the group's debut LP, 2003's «Waste Em All», helped pave the way for a crossover resurgence in the early 2000s. Even though that phenomenon waned as quickly as it emerged, they continued to carry the torch on subsequent releases such as 2009's «Massive Aggressive», 2017's «Slime And Punishment» and 2022's «Electrified Brain», with vocalist Tony Foresta and guitarist Ryan Waste serving as the group's only constant members.